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发布日期:2019-10-16    作者:gdut-ieee     来源:广东工业大学环境生态工程研究院     点击:







活动主持人:何頔 教授

报告题目1:Green rust formation induced by reaction between aqueous Fe(II) and smectite clay minerals

报告人1简介:Dr Richard Collins,Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia. Dr Richard Collins obtained his PhD in soil chemistry from the University of Adelaide in 2002. He then spent 3 years working at the French Atomic Energy Commission in Saclay, France where he conducted research on the bioavailability, toxicity and speciation of elements of interest in the nuclear fuel cycle. In 2005 he commenced working at UNSW Sydney. Since that time, he has worked on a range of research topics of both applied and fundamental importance, such as acid sulfate soil remediation, uranium immobilisation, iron oxide transformations and zero valent iron reactions. A lot of this research has a strong focus on iron redox processes relevant to natural and engineered environments. He is an expert user of X-ray absorption spectroscopy methods and analyses and has used a wide range of synchrotrons in Australia, USA, Japan, Taiwan and France. During his time at UNSW he has been awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship, Australian-American Fulbright Fellowship in Nuclear Science and Technology, Invitational Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and is currently a UNSW Scientia Fellow. Over the last 10 years he has contributed to obtaining ~$6.5 M AUD in competitive research funding and has published about 75 refereed journal articles and 20 industry reports.


报告题目2:Impacts of Fe(II) andphosphate on the redox reactions between iron oxides and aqueous sulfide

报告人2简介:Dr.ShaojianZhang,postdoctoral research fellow in the Institute of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT). Dr. Zhang obtained his PhD degree in geoscience from University Tübingen (Germany) in 2019.During his PhD study, he investigated the redox reactions between goethite and aqueous sulfide in the presence of aqueous Fe(II) and dissolved natural organic matter (NOM), with the finding of the inhibitory effect of surface associated Fe(II) and NOM on goethite sulfidation. He also proposed the oxidizing capability and mechanisms of Fe(III) species at goethite surface in the presence of aqueous Fe(II). In GDUT,hisresearch concerns iron-mediated remediation of water contaminants, focusing on the mobilization of phosphate under the influence of iron-containing minerals sulfidation.