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发布日期:2021-06-01    作者:gdut-ieee     来源:广东工业大学环境生态工程研究院     点击:



徐志豪,1991年生,广东工业大学“青年百人计划”引进人才,北京师范大学博士,曾在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校公派留学,并在瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学从事博士后研究。主要从事流域与近海水环境模拟、水生态修复、陆海统筹规划等方面研究。主持或参与了多项国家级科研项目,在一区TOP期刊Water Research、Water Resources Research、Hydrology and Earth System Sciences、Journal of Cleaner Production、Resources, Conservation & Recycling等发表SCI论文20余篇,担任Journal of Hydrology等10余个国际知名期刊审稿人。




















1.Zhihao Xu, Chunxue Yu, Lele Liao, Pan Yang, Zhifeng Yang*. Optimizing reservoir operations for tradeoffs between economic objectives and legacy phosphorus management.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 167: 105413. (SCI, 1区TOP)

2.Zhihao Xu, Ying Yang, Chunxue Yu, Zhifeng Yang*. Optimizing environmental flow and macrophyte management for restoring a large eutrophic lake-marsh system.Hydrological Processes, 2021, 35(1): e13965. (SCI, 2区)

3.Zhihao Xu,Chunxue Yu, Hao Sun, Zhifeng Yang*. The response of sediment phosphorus retention and release to reservoir operations: Numerical simulation and surrogate model development.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 271: 122688. (SCI, 1区TOP)

4.Zhihao Xu, Zhifeng Yang*, Ximing Cai, Xinan Yin, Yanpeng Cai. Modeling framework for reservoir capacity planning accounting for fish migration.Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management-ASCE, 2020, 146(3): 04020006. (SCI, 2区)

5.Zhihao Xu, Ximing Cai, Xinan Yin, Meirong Su, Yiping Wu, Zhifeng Yang*. Is water shortage risk decreased at the expense of deteriorating water quality in a large water supply reservoir?.Water Research, 2019, 165: 114984. (SCI, 1区TOP)

6.Zhihao Xu, Xinan Yin*, Tao Sun, Yanpeng Cai, Yu Ding, Wei Yang, Zhifeng Yang*. Labyrinths in large reservoirs: an invisible barrier to fish migration and the solution through reservoir operation.Water Resources Research, 2017, 53: 817-831. (SCI, 1区TOP)

7.Zhihao Xu, Zhifeng Yang*, Xinan Yin*, Yanpeng Cai, Tao Sun. Hydrological management for improving nutrient assimilative capacity in plant-dominated wetlands: A modelling approach.Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 177: 84-92. (SCI, 2区TOP)

8.Zhihao Xu, Xinan Yin*, Zhifeng Yang*, Yanpeng Cai, Tao Sun. New model to assessing nutrient assimilative capacity in plant-dominated lakes: Considering ecological effects of hydrological changes.Ecological Modelling, 2016, 332: 94-102. (SCI)

9.Zhihao Xu, Xinan Yin, Chi Zhang, Zhifeng Yang*. Piecewise model for species-discharge relationships in rivers.Ecological Engineering, 2016, 96: 208-213. (SCI)

10.Zhihao Xu, Xinan Yin, Zhifeng Yang*. An optimisation approach for shallow lake restoration through macrophyte management.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014, 18: 2167-2176. (SCI, 1区TOP)

11.Zhihao Xu, Zhifeng Yang*, Xinan Yin. Effects of different macrophytes in constructed wetlands on treating polluted rivers in China.Proceedings of the International Society for River Science, 2013.

12.Cui Xu,Zhihao Xu*, Zhifeng Yang*. Reservoir operation optimization for balancing hydropower generation and biodiversity conservation in a downstream wetland.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 245: 118885. (SCI, 1区TOP)

13.Chunxue Yu, Zuoyong Li,Zhihao Xu, Zhifeng Yang*. Lake recovery from eutrophication: Quantitative response of trophic states to anthropogenic influences.Ecological Engineering, 2020, 143: 105697. (SCI)

14.Hongrui Liu, Xinan Yin*,Zhihao Xu, Yanpeng Cai, Wei Yang. Effects of reservoir operation methods on downstream ecological disturbance and economic benefits.River Research and Applications, 2019, 35: 955-965. (SCI)

15.Yongming Shen*, Gefei Deng,Zhihao Xu, Jun Tang. Effects of sea level rise on storm surge and waves within the Yangtze River Estuary.Frontiers of Earth Science, 2019, 13: 303-316. (SCI)

16.Yu Ding, Haifei Liu*, Wei Yang, Liming Xing, Gangqin Tu, Zhiming Ru,Zhihao Xu. The assessment of ecological water replenishment scheme based on the two-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann water age theory.Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2019, 25: 25-34. (SCI)

17.Enze Zhang, Xinan Yin*,Zhihao Xu, Zhifeng Yang. Bottom-up quantification of inter-basin water transfer vulnerability to climate change.Ecological Indicators, 2018, 92: 195-206. (SCI, 2区)

18.Xinan Yin, Zhifeng Yang*, Enze Zhang,Zhihao Xu, Yanpeng Cai, Wei Yang. A new method of assessing environmental flows in channelized urban rivers.Engineering, 2018, 4(5): 590-596. (SCI, 1区TOP)

19.Cui Xu, Xinan Yin*,Zhihao Xu, Hongrui Liu, Ying Yang, Zhifeng Yang. Simulating the effects of regulation measures on ecosystem state changes in a shallow lake.Ecological Indicators, 2018, 92: 72-81. (SCI, 2区)

20.Enze Zhang, Xinan Yin*, Zhifeng Yang,Zhihao Xu, Yanpeng Cai. Assessing crop virtual water content under non-standard growing conditions using Budyko framework.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018, 131: 259-270. (SCI, 1区TOP)

21.Shan He, Xinan Yin*, Chunxue Yu,Zhihao Xu, Zhifeng Yang. Quantifying parameter uncertainty in reservoir operation associated with environmental flow management.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 176, 1271-1282. (SCI, 1区TOP)

22.Lijia Zhang, Xinan Yin,Zhihao Xu,Yuan Zhi, Zhifeng Yang*. Crop planting structure optimization for water scarcity alleviation in China.Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2016, 20(3): 435-445. (SCI, 2区)






