一 基本信息
江进,广东工业大学/环境生态工程研究院“百人计划”特聘教授、博士生导师;教育部高层次人才青年项目获得者,广东省自然科学杰出青年基金获得者,全国百篇优秀博士论文获得者。主要从事水质净化科学理论、技术方法和工程实践的研究。发表SCI学术论文140余篇,他引5000余次,H因子47,其中在Environmental Science & Technology (Letters) 和Water Research上发表60余篇;获美国发明专利3件、中国发明专利30余件;获省部级科技奖励5项。
二 研究方向
三 教育经历
四 工作经历
2009-2012, 哈尔滨工业大学,讲师;
2012-2014, 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授;
2014-2018, 哈尔滨工业大学,教授;
2018-至今, 广东工业大学,教授。
五 在研的科研项目
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61万,2020-2023
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,57万,2022-2025
六 代表性学术论文
(1) Guan Chaoting, Guo Qin, Wang Zhen, Wei Xipeng, Han Bin, Luo Xiaonan, Pan Hanping, Jiang Jin*. Bisulfite activated permanganate for oxidative water decontamination. Water Res., 2022, 216, 118331.
(2) Wang Zhen, Qiu Wei, Pang Suyan, Guo Qin, Guan Chaoting, Jiang Jin*. Aqueous Iron(IV)–Oxo Complex: An Emerging Powerful Reactive Oxidant Formed by Iron(II)-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes for Oxidative Water Treatment. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2022, 56, 1492-1509.
(3) Wang Zhen, Yu Yangyi, Guo Qin, Guan Chaoting, Jiang Jin*. Nano- and micro-scale zerovalent iron-activated peroxydisulfate for methyl phenyl sulfoxide probe transformation in aerobic water: Quantifying the relative roles of SO4·−, Fe(IV), and ·OH. Water Res., 2022, 223, 119014.
(4) Gao Yuan, Zhou Yang, Pang Suyan, Jiang Jin*, Shen Yongming, Song Yang, Duan Jiebin, Guo Qin. Enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation via complexed Mn(II): A novel non-radical oxidation mechanism involving manganese intermediates. Water Res., 2021, 193, 116856.
(5) Song, Yang, Jiang Jin*, Qin Wen, Li Juan, Zhou Yang, Gao Yuan. Enhanced transformation of organic pollutants by mild oxidants in the presence of synthetic or natural redox mediators: A review. Water Res., 2021, 189, 116667.
(6) Guan Chaoting, Jiang Jin*, Pang Suyan, Zhou Yang Gao Yuan, Li Juan, Wang Zhen. Formation and control of bromate in sulfate radical-based oxidation processes for the treatment of waters containing bromide: A critical review. Water Res., 2020, 176, 115725.
(7) Wang Zhen, Qiu Wei, Pang Suyan, Jiang Jin*. Effect of chelators on the production and nature of the reactive intermediates formed in Fe(II) activated peroxydisulfate and hydrogen peroxide processes. Water Res., 2019, 164: 200-207.
(8) Guan Chaoting, Jiang Jin*, Shen Yongming, Pang Suyan, Luo Congwei, Zhao Xi. Carbon Materials Inhibit Formation of Nitrated Aromatic Products in Treatment of Phenolic Compounds by Thermal Activation of Peroxydisulfate in the Presence of Nitrite. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019, 53:9054-9062.
(9) Gao Yuan, Zhou Yang, Pang Suyan, Jiang Jin*, Yang Zhifeng, Shen Yongming, Wang Zhen, Wang Panxin, Wang Lihong. New Insights into the Combination of Permanganate and Bisulfite as a Novel Advanced Oxidation Process: Importance of High Valent Manganese-Oxo Species and Sulfate Radical. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019, 53:3689-3696.
(10) Yang Song, Jiang Jin*, Ma Jun, Zhou Yang, Urs von Gunten*. Enhanced transformation of sulfonamide antibiotics by manganese(IV) oxide in the presence of model humic constituents. Water Res., 2019, 153: 200-207.
七 我的团队
电子邮件:jiangjin@gdut.edu.cn, jiangjinhit@126.com