徐志豪,1991年生,广东省流域水环境治理与水生态修复重点实验室副主任,北京师范大学优秀博士论文奖获得者,曾在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校公派留学,并在瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学工作。主要从事水环境模拟、水生态修复、水利工程调度、环境遥感技术与人工智能算法等研究。担任《Energy, Ecology and Environment》、《水生态学杂志》等国内外期刊(青年)编委和《Nature Communications》等国际顶尖期刊审稿专家。
主持或以骨干身份参与了国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金(重点、面上、青年项目)、广东省引进创新创业团队等重要科研项目10余项;在本领域国际权威期刊《Water Research》、《Water Resources Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》等发表SCI论文30余篇,获授权国内/国际发明专利7项;多次受邀在国际高水平学术会议担任主持或做报告,曾获国际学术会议最佳报告奖。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,河库系统水动力-水环境耦合机理与优化调控,2023-2026,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,珠江河口水生态系统模拟与健康调控,2023-2027,研究骨干;
3. 广东省高等学校基础研究卓越中心项目,湾区生态安全与绿色发展,2024-2028,研究骨干;
4. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,面向供水型水库水量-水质风险对冲的优化调度方法,2022-2024,主持;
5. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,面向库区段鱼类洄游保护的水量-水质耦合优化调控研究,2020-2022,主持;
6. 广州市科技计划项目,面向鱼类产卵场保护的水库生态调度方法,2023-2025,主持;
7. 国家重点实验室专项基金课题,兼顾水库与下游水质安全保障的多目标优化调度研究,2022-2024,主持;
8. 中国博士后基金面上项目(一等资助),水库富营养化风险与供水短缺风险的关联机制及优化调控,2018-2020,主持;
9. 国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,流域水环境、水生态与综合管理,2018-2020,研究骨干;
10. 国家重点研发计划项目,河湖沼系统生态需水保障技术体系及应用,2017-2020,研究骨干。
1. Xu, Zhihao, Li, Yunying, Cai, Ximing, Cai, Yanpeng, Yang, Zhifeng* (2023). Impact of reservoir operation policies on spatiotemporal dynamics of sediment methane production and release in a large reservoir. Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR035072. (SCI-TOP)
2. Xu, Zhihao, Yin, Xinan*, Sun, Tao, Cai, Yanpeng, Ding, Yu, Yang, Wei, Yang, Zhifeng* (2017). Labyrinths in large reservoirs: an invisible barrier to fish migration and the solution through reservoir operation. Water Resources Research, 53(1), 817-831. (SCI-TOP)
3. Xu, Zhihao, Cai, Ximing, Yin, Xinan, Su, Meirong, Wu, Yiping, Yang, Zhifeng* (2019). Is water shortage risk decreased at the expense of deteriorating water quality in a large water supply reservoir?. Water Research, 165, 114984. (SCI-TOP)
4. Yu, Chunxue, Huang, Xia, Guo, Qian, Yang, Ying, Xu, Zhihao* (2024). Predicting water ecosystem services under prospective climate and land-use change scenarios in typical watersheds distributed across China. Ecological Indicators, 159, 111744. (SCI-TOP)
5. Yu, Chunxue, Xu, Zhihao*, Li, Yunying, Yang, Yin, Cai, Yanpeng, Yang, Zhifeng (2023). Rethinking environmental flow management strategies in reservoir operations from an integrated water quality perspective. Journal of Hydrology, 626, 130196. (SCI-TOP)
6. Fan, Wenjie, Xu, Zhihao*, Dong, Qian, Chen, Weiru, Cai, Yanpeng (2023). Remote sensing-based spatiotemporal variation and driving factor assessment of chlorophyll-a concentrations in China’s Pearl River Estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1226234. (SCI-TOP)
7. Xu, Chunyuan, Xu, Zhihao*, Cai, Yanpeng, Zhu, Zhenchang, Tan, Qian (2023). Impact of reservoir operation policies on nitrogen cycling processes and water quality dynamics in a large water supply reservoir. Journal of Cleaner Production, 416, 137975. (SCI-TOP)
8. Guo, Qian, Yu, Chunxue, Xu, Zhihao* Yang, Ying, Wang, Xin (2023). Impacts of climate and land-use changes on water yields: Similarities and differences among typical watersheds distributed throughout China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 45, 101294. (SCI)
9. Xu, Zhihao, Yu, Chunxue, Liao, Lele, Yang, Pan, Yang, Zhifeng* (2021). Optimizing reservoir operations for tradeoffs between economic objectives and legacy phosphorus management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167: 105413. (SCI-TOP)
10. Xu, Zhihao, Yang, Ying, Yu, Chunxue, Yang, Zhifeng* (2021). Optimizing environmental flow and macrophyte management for restoring a large eutrophic lake-marsh system. Hydrological Processes, 35(1), e13965. (SCI)
11. Xu, Zhihao, Yang, Zhifeng*, Cai, Ximing, Yin, Xinan, Cai, Yanpeng (2020). Modeling Framework for Reservoir Capacity Planning Accounting for Fish Migration. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management-ASCE, 146(3), 04020006. (SCI)
12. Xu, Cui, Xu, Zhihao*, Yang, Zhifeng* (2020). Reservoir operation optimization for balancing hydropower generation and biodiversity conservation in a downstream wetland. Journal of Cleaner Production, 245, 118885. (SCI-TOP)
13. Xu, Zhihao, Yu, Chunxue, Sun, Hao, Yang, Zhifeng* (2020). The response of sediment phosphorus retention and release to reservoir operations: Numerical simulation and surrogate model development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 271, 122688. (SCI-TOP)
14. Xu, Zhihao, Yang, Zhifeng*, Yin, Xinan*, Cai, Yanpeng, Sun, Tao (2016). Hydrological management for improving nutrient assimilative capacity in plant-dominated wetlands: A modelling approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 177, 84-92. (SCI-TOP)
15. Xu, Zhihao, Yin, Xinan, Yang, Zhifeng* (2014). An optimisation approach for shallow lake restoration through macrophyte management. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(6), 2167-2176. (SCI-TOP)
1. Modelling the environmental response to enhanced legacy phosphorus retention in a eutrophic bay. Lahti Lakes-Lake restoration symposium, June 2021, Lahti, Finland (芬兰).
2. Assessing the impact of hydropower operation policies on stored and discharged water quality. 8th International Workshop of Advances in Cleaner Production, Nov. 2019, Sanya, China (中国).
3. Reservoir planning and operation accounting for fish migration. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 2017, New Orleans, USA (美国).
4. Reservoir operation approach for balancing biodiversity and economic benefits in river systems. 4th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science, Aug. 2015, La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA (美国).
5. Integrated water quantity-quality simulation and management in wetlands. 4th International Conference on Bio-technology and Environmental Management, Sept. 2014, Paris, France (法国).