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我室何頔教授团队在《Journal of Hazardous materials》(IF10.588)期刊发表题为“One-pot synthesis of magnetic Prussian blue for the highly selective removal of thallium(I) from wastewater: Mechanism and implications”的学术论文

发布日期:2021-09-04    作者:     来源:     点击:

近日,大湾区城市环境安全与绿色发展教育部重点实验张海龙博士后为第一作者,学术骨干何頔教授为通讯作者的研究成果《One-pot synthesis of magnetic Prussian blue for the highly selective removal of thallium(I) from wastewater: Mechanism and implications》在SCI 期刊《Journal of Hazardous materials》(IF=10.588)发表。该研究针对工业废水铊治理难题,结合含铊废水特征和铊离子特性,创新性地从孔径筛选角度出发制备除铊材料,实现了高共存离子情况下,铊高选择去除,为我国含铊工业废水治理提供了新视角。



铊是剧毒重金属元素,常随含铊矿产开发利用进入环境。含铊工业废水治理难题主要在于共存离子干扰。因此,提高除铊材料离子选择性是解决铊污染难题关键。本研究首次在室温环境下,采用“一锅法”绿色化学手段,制备了一种具备独特筛分功能的磁性离子筛材料。实验结果表明,在共存离子(如 Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+ 和 Pb2+)浓度为Tl+浓度10,000倍情况下,仍能实现铊高达92%去除效率。吸附动力学结果表明该材料可在15min内将铊离子浓度从1000 μg/L降至3.73 μg/,等温吸附实验结果表明材料铊吸附容量高达528 mg/g,并且材料在pH 3-10范围内仍保持着90%以上去除率。该离子筛材料高选择性主要由于铊离子具备比较低的水合离子半径和水化自由能。铊离子的快速去除主要是由于该离子筛所具备的纳米毛细网络作用。总体而言,本研究制备出了一种低成本、易于制备且对铊具有极高选择性的磁性除铊材料。


Thallium (Tl) often enters the environment via mineral exploitation and utilization. The main restriction of Tl removal is the interference of high concentrations of coexisting ions in wastewater, therefore, enhancing the selectivity for Tl is essential to its treatment. Magnetic Prussian blue particles (Fe3O4@PB), an ion-sieving material with an open structure, were synthesized through a “one-pot” method at room temperature for the highly selective removal of Tl+. The removal percentage of Tl+ was over 92% even when the concentration of coexisting ions (e.g. Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, and Pb2+) were 10,000 times higher than the initial concentration of Tl+. The maximal experimental removal capacity was 528 mg Tl/g Fe3O4@PB, and the removal percentage remained steady at pH 3–10. The high selectivity of Fe3O4@PB for Tl+ is attributed to the fact that hydrated Tl+ has a smaller hydrated diameter and a lower hydration free energy than other coexisting ions, while the rapid adsorption kinetics of Tl+ results from the negative surface charge and the network of nanocapillaries of the Fe3O4@PB. Overall, a new low-cost material that is easy to synthesize and has superior Tl+ removal capacity with extremely high selectivity for Tl+ was obtained for effective magnetic removal of thallium from wastewater. 

上一条:我室韩兰芳教授团队在《Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology》(IF11.75)期刊发表题为“Photocatalytic strategy to mitigate microplastic pollution in aquatic environments: Promising catalysts, efficiencies, mechanisms, and ecological risks”的学术论文

下一条:我室王樟新教授在《Environmental Science & Technology》(IF11.357)期刊发表题为“One-pot synthesis of magnetic Prussian blue for the highly selective removal of thallium(I) from wastewater: Mechanism and implications”的学术论文
