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我室梁赛教授团队在《Water Research》(IF13.40)期刊发表题为“Pollution exacerbates interregional flows of virtual scarce water driven by energy demand in China”的学术论文

发布日期:2022-09-19    作者:     来源:     点击:

近日,大湾区城市环境安全与绿色发展教育部重点实验室学术带头人梁赛教授团队题为《Pollution exacerbates interregional flows of virtual scarce water driven by energy demand in China》的学术论文在国际环境领域著名期刊Water Research杂志上发表,论文第一作者为博士生李慧,通讯作者为梁雨晗博士后。







Existing studies on the virtual scarce water flows within the water-energy context focus on water quantity while largely ignoring water quality. This study improves the quantification method of scarce water uses by considering both blue water (representing water quantity) and grey water (indicating water quality). Based on a scarce-water extended multi-regional input–output model, we investigate the virtual scarce water flows driven by energy demand across 31 Chinese regions in 2012 and 2017. The results show that considering water quality provides new insights into the patterns of interregional flows of virtual scarce water driven by energy demand. The virtual integrated scarce water (VISW) flows, which consider both water quantity and quality, are 5 times the volume of virtual quantity-based scarce water (VQSW) flows. Moreover, certain regions (e.g., Hebei) are recognized as net VISW exporters, but are net importers in terms of VQSW. There are significant differences in the critical interregional pairs identified based on net VISW flows (e.g., Shandong–Zhejiang, and Shandong-Guangdong) and net VQSW flows (e.g., Heilongjiang-Guangdong, and Liaoning–Shaanxi). To reduce water scarcity based on the combined effect of both quantity and quality, the critical VISW interregional pairs should enhance cooperation through compensation payments and interregional technology transfer. This study highlights the importance of water quality in the assessment of virtual scarce water uses. Employing virtual scarce water as a policy tool to mitigate water scarcity might fail without the consideration of water quality.

上一条:我室陈姗姗教授团队在《Water Research》(IF13.40)期刊发表题为“Enhanced aging of polystyrene microplastics in sediments under alternating anoxic-oxic conditions”与“Mechanisms of polystyrene microplastic degradation by the microbially driven Fenton reaction”系列成果

下一条:我室梁赛教授团队在《Environmental Science & Technology》(IF11.357)期刊发表题为“Global Supply Chain Drivers of Agricultural Antibiotic Emissions in China”的学术论文
