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我室梁赛教授团队在《Environmental Science & Technology》(IF11.357)期刊发表题为“Global Supply Chain Drivers of Agricultural Antibiotic Emissions in China”的学术论文

发布日期:2022-05-17    作者:     来源:     点击:

近日,大湾区城市环境安全与绿色发展教育部重点实验室学术带头人梁赛教授团队题为“Global Supply Chain Drivers of Agricultural Antibiotic Emissions in China”的学术论文在国际环境领域顶级期刊Environmental Science & Technology杂志上发表,论文第一作者为杨雪莼博士后,通讯作者为梁赛教授。







Antibiotic pollution causes serious environmental and social issues. China is the largest antibiotic producer and user in the world, with a large share of antibiotics used in agriculture. This study quantified agricultural antibiotic emissions of mainland China in 2014 as well as critical drivers in global supply chains. Results show that China’s agriculture discharged 4131 tons of antibiotics. Critical domestic supply chain drivers are mainly located in Central China, North China, and East China. Foreign final demand contributes 9% of agricultural antibiotic emissions in mainland China and leads to 5–40% of emissions in each province. Foreign primary inputs (e.g., labor and capital) contribute 5% of agricultural antibiotic emissions in mainland China and lead to 2–63% of emissions in each province. Critical international drivers include the final demand of the United States and Japan for foods and textile products, as well as the primary inputs of the oil seeds sector in Brazil. The results indicate the uniqueness of supply chain drivers for antibiotic emissions compared with other emissions. Our findings reveal supply chain hotspots for multiple-perspective policy decisions to control China’s agricultural antibiotic emissions as well as for international cooperation.

上一条:我室梁赛教授团队在《Water Research》(IF13.40)期刊发表题为“Pollution exacerbates interregional flows of virtual scarce water driven by energy demand in China”的学术论文

下一条:我室王樟新教授在《Water Research》(IF 13.400)期刊发表题为“Module-Scale Analysis of Low-Salt-Rejection Reverse Osmosis: Design Guidelines and System Performance”的学术论文
